Noise from the jungle - volume I
I've decided to implement a few tactics to help me deal with my Advanced Reporting class. The professor, previously referred to by this publication as an extremely dedicated blowhard, has inspired me to be creative.
To start, it's going to be a regular feature of mine to include some of the brilliant quotes that would otherwise simply bounce off my propaganda blaster shields.
A couple of gems from today's class:
I'm just sorry I've already let so many good quotes past over the last week.
To start, it's going to be a regular feature of mine to include some of the brilliant quotes that would otherwise simply bounce off my propaganda blaster shields.
A couple of gems from today's class:
"The two most important jobs in America are a journalist and a teacher. I've been privileged to be both."This from a former soldier!? Someone needs to do a little investigative reporting on him.
"I should be able to pick up my local newspaper and find everything I need to know about my community."A community of a couple dozen?
I'm just sorry I've already let so many good quotes past over the last week.
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