"the dumbest blog i've ever seen."

    "Get out a little more dude."

    "Is it more conservative to write about Red Bull, spelling errors, or whining about liberal teachers?" -Former contributor

    "a well-kept and activist-orientated blog"-Chris Collins, Seattle Times

    It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

    -Samuel Adams

    Comments are only subject to editing in case of spam or malicious, unrelated content. Dissenting opinion on this blog will never be censored

Saturday, February 19, 2005


This will hopefully be the last time I feel compelled to post about useless comments.
This website is really boring. It should be an online journal, not a blog.
This is like reading someones journal. Boring
I suppose I ought to thank this commenter (no contact info so must be the same) for being so open about his feelings toward the blog. I'm flattered that someone took the time out of a busy, busy schedule to tell me how boring...I mean bored he is. However, since he was so kind as to share this, I can't help but reciprocate and share the mutuality of his concern.

Boring or not, I'll still be here to yawn with you when you post another comment about this site being a journal.

If, on the other hand, you have something intelligent to contribute, more power to you.
