"the dumbest blog i've ever seen."

    "Get out a little more dude."

    "Is it more conservative to write about Red Bull, spelling errors, or whining about liberal teachers?" -Former contributor

    "a well-kept and activist-orientated blog"-Chris Collins, Seattle Times

    It does not take a majority to prevail ... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

    -Samuel Adams

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Skin workings

You've noticed changes by now...

My main goal before this last round of work, amateur that I am, was to accomplish one thing: add a second sidebar. I'm pretty inexperienced and am forced to work through problems by examining other people's code and then implementing the ideas through trial and error--so, twenty-four hours later, we have two sidebars, more space, and some art from pictures I took just a matter of hours ago on campus. The title-art is a work in progress, as I figure out new ways of implementing the Western scene.

If you have feedback or suggestions on the layout and/or art, just shoot an email our way.