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Monday, March 07, 2005

Another Vatican Schiavo statement

Cardinal Renato Martino president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace has made another (belated in my opinion) call for justice in the Terri Schiavo. I know I was highly critical in my last Terri post about the Vatican silence on the issue and they have since stepped up to the microphone, so to speak. I am grateful but still unhappy it took so long to hear anything about such big issue.

On the other hand, this particular statement is thorough and covers a lot and shows a lot of concern (from BlogsForTerri):

... in just a few days, [if her husband and the courts have their way, ]this is exactly what will happen to Terri. She will be completely deprived of water and food. She will have excessive suffering and pain inflicted upon her which will lead to her cruel death ...

We plead, we make the urgent appeal for the life of a helpless human being...a person with whom we all share our God given human dignity.
How can anyone say that her best interests have been taken into consideration?
Do read the whole thing and keep checking back at BlogsForTerri--they provide up to the minute information.

Crossposted at Meneltarma