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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Deep throated, over rated

As a general rule, I think the media needs to lay off the deep throat story. For one, there are many people out there who haven't a clue who deep throat or Bob Woodward were. Also, the glory days of the Watergate exposure might have gotten dimmer since Mr. Felt revealed himself as the mysterious anonymous source nick-named "deep throat." Felt was passed over for the director's spot at the FBI. I don't know if that motivated him to squeal but I'm not comfortable with saying he's a hero. Lastly, the public is not about to be impressed with anonymous sources after Newsweek's bumbling.

The media has toned it down a little since the story first broke in Vanity Fair, but they would do well to just forget about it. The journalism department here at Western is one of the few conclaves of interest in such issues. Yesterday I overheard another journalism student complaining that so few of her friends know who deep throat was. I just laughed.

If journalists could stop being journalists for a day and still do their jobs, they would see the truth: it's not that big a story to ordinary people--don't cover it too much.